Monday, February 26, 2007

a mind like a steel trap...

Scientific American: A Digital Life [ INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY ]
New systems may allow people to record everything they see and hear--and even things they cannot sense--and to store all these data in a personal digital archive

The article linked above mentions many of the logistic and legal issues associated with essentially recording every aspect of someones life. It immediately struck me that there would be some incredible implications for the field of education at point where this type of digital memory enhancement becomes ubiquitous (when/if?). If all memories can be digitally stored and recalled via sophisticated search tools we might finally see real evolution within education - e.g. veering away from reliance on antiquated pedagogical strategies such as rote memorization and greater focus on advanced thought processing and problem solving strategies. More value might, in turn, be placed on students' ability to think (and think creatively) than on how much info they can manage to cram into their minds for a short period of time - only to be forgotten before the end of the semester rolls around if not immediately after each test.

Speaking of steel traps, my 4 year old niece doesn't forget anything! She brings up things that we did together months ago like it was yesterday (like references to one of the Burger King XBox games that I'd let her dad play with around Thanksgiving of this past year) or the "icky caterpillar" nickname that we gave her little brother while playing a game this past summer. She also remembered the exact video we'd watched the last time I'd babysat for her (only about a month ago, but she's probably watched at least 100 videos since then). With all the things she's learning, seeing, hearing and doing every day it amazes me how well she is able to recall them all and sort them into categories of who they are associated with. I won't go as far to say my niece has a mind like steel trap - because maybe that's just the way 4 year olds are supposed to be, but I'm literally amazed every time I get to hang out with that kid!

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