Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Live from the GDC

Okay - so finding a reliable wireless network has been challenging - but finding the free time to actually post updates has been even more challenging. Needless to say there'll be more to come, but here's a brief snapshot of what I've seen so far at this year's Game Developer's Conference:

At the Serious Games Summit which took place on Monday and Tuesday I listened to presentations from Ichiro Otobe and Tadashi Tsushima of Square Enix (from Japan), a group of researchers/designers with a presentation about approaches to game evaluation/assessment, a few sessions on repurposing or tweaking existing games and game engines to support a wider range of educational content/goals. two sessions on the One Laptop Per Child initiative, a Keynote session on Collaborative Intelligence and Collective Gameplay strategies and psychology, an overview of the past, present and possible future for educational gaming, and a presentation on scaffolding techniques within games given by two of my former colleagues from IU.

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