Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Evaluation reform on the horizon for federally funded Math and Science programs?

When I saw this article I couldn't help but wonder what it might mean in terms of programatic reform - esp. where evaluation was concerned. Being an evaluator (past, present, and hopefully future) of several NSF grants I was particularly interested...

From Education Week:Few Federal Math and Science Programs Deemed Effective

"The report does not single out weak programs that should be carved out of the federal budget. The goal was to study how such programs are being evaluated and to recommend a better process"
"Federal programs place too little emphasis, the report says, on outcomes, or measurable results, from math and science spending. Improved test scores in math and science under the No Child Left Behind Act is a clearer method for judging results, it argues.

The council recommends that agencies establish a way of conducting “rigorous, independent” evaluations of programs, and make funding for them contingent on those reviews."

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